© Copyright Hubert Bodner. All rights reserved.

It takes a good portion of intuition and understanding to fully absorb the client’s needs and demands. Mutual trust, open mindedness and thorough listening are the basis for a successful partnership. I accompany you in a very personal manner in all phases of the project from concept to precice planning and substantial implementation.
With passion and team spirit we develop together your ideal place of desire to feel at ease.
Interiors must be well thaught out in order to function – energy & balance must be right. Ultimately your gut feeling helps you decide. To make things that they are accessible to you and would like to touch and have around.
I try to create vibrant interiors that are at once spare and luxorious, a bit extravagant but rooted in essentials. Paired with the highest craftsmanship and much respect for tradition and created so an own identity.
If you find the above inspiring please feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to seeing you in person.